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Writer's pictureLauren

Expand & Rest

One of my favourite ques this month has been, expand with your breath and rest into the space you have created.

So often I make space or make a chance and forget to enjoy what I have created. There are many times I have rushed through a project and just moved onto the next task without taking a pause to enjoy what I've created before letting it go. Or on the opposite side, many times after completing a task I'll go back over and over again in my mind to dwell on or criticize aspects of it. My body, my patient teacher, shows me every day. I breath in, I let it go and repeat. Such a simple and beautiful example to practice applying to my every day live.

Regard the past as the forest floor - breath in the fresh air of the present - be open to the possibility of the future just as far as your next breath. - Lauren Heroux

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